1:1 VIP Emotional Wellness Coaching


Finding balance and your authentic voice is your path towards more FREEDOM.


All it takes is regulating your nervous system so your ENERGY can flow freely.

But emotional wellness isn’t easy when you’re intensely FEELING the emotions of everything and everyone around you. Sometimes it’s tough to stand your ground and not get pulled into the vibration of FEAR that is being pumped out of every loudspeaker everywhere. 

As a healing force in the world, you have so much to offer and your light is SO needed.

You’ve OVERCOME a lot to get this far (yet you rarely acknowledge how far you’ve truly come). In the process, you’ve learned sophisticated COPING techniques that have kept you afloat (mostly).


You thought you would have things FIGURED OUT by now. But instead things are looking more CHOATIC by the day, the HEAVINESS weighing you down, and you’re just not sure HOW to get back on track.


  • You manage to do the things that need to be done, but it takes every ounce of willpower you have to juggle all your responsibilities because you’re EXHAUSTED from the muck of EMOTIONS you’re faced with each day.  (you can’t remember what it feels like to not be resentful) 
  • PROCRASTINATATION and WORRY are your constant companions and you wonder how much more you can take and what will actually change this LOOP (secretly wishing for more PEACE in your life)
  • You put on a SMILE for the world, but you wish you could just FEEL what you feel because you’re TIRED of pretending. (and avoidance hasn’t worked)
  • You have taken courses, tried various healing modalities (including talk therapy), and have some supportive people in your life, but you still feel MISUNDERSTOOD and ANXIOUS because LIFE just keeps on going without any space for your to slow down.
  • You’re doing everything you can to find PEACE, but the truth is you question whether it’s really POSSIBLE because it has been such a STRUGGLE that you haven’t been able to figure out yet

You want emotional wellness.

To FEEL BETTER. And for everything to FEEL EASIER.  And you’re ready to get unstuck.

I totally understand because I’ve been there. Working hard to control everything so I could APPEAR like I had my shit together was my go-to strategy. I PUSHED myself beyond my limits and stuffed the painful emotion down so I could make it through the day.

But I finally got tired of the struggle (and my own excuses) and started to notice WHAT IS (rather than the story i was hearing in my head).  This gave me space to REALLY begin to LOVE myself and get to know my TRUTH more deeply.  

feminine essence

You can FEEL BETTER and experience EMOTIONAL WELLNESS on the other side of struggle.




  • You wake up feeling ENERGIZED and ready to take on the day because you’ve created strong yet loving BOUNDARIES that respect your sensitive nature and build on your strengths.
  • You consistently engage in the things that bring you more JOY without guilt because you have learned how to regulate your nervous system and TRUST yourself.
  • You feel energetically FREE, spacious, and home in your body because you have stopped hiding from your EMOTIONS and begun to lovingly accept yourself.
  • You’re actively inviting and allowing more of what you truly DESIRE because you have found coaching support from someone who really sees you and understands how to safely help you BELIEVE in yourself and get out of your own way.
  • You have a renewed sense of CONFIDENCE to show up fully for your big vision as your fully EMOBODIED self because you RELEASED the pent-up emotions and negative beliefs that have held you back for far too long.

I know that, even if you believe all of this is possible, it probably feels like it will take longer than you actually have (because let’s face it, getting here has been a SLOG). But it doesn’t have to take forever to start feeling and seeing a difference. 

As a LIGHTWORKER I got to the point where all that stuffed emotion built up in my body making it HARDER and harder to push my way through. I had reached my energetic LIMIT.  My body and I were at odds.  It felt like having to do one more thing or make one more decision would SINK me.

I struggled ALOT. And THEN I found an easier, softer way forward.  A path filled with the energy of the rose, allowing me to flow like WATER.  



1:1 VIP Emotional Wellness Coaching for Heart Led Souls

A private, custom fit, trauma-sensitive coaching service that will help you manage your ENERGY so you can more CONFIDENTLY walk through this world and do what you came here to do.  

Say GOODBYE to days that feel HEAVY and OVERWHELMING releasing all those trusty coping techniques that have kept you afloat because more LIGHTNESS and EASE is within your reach (it has actually been WITHIN you all along)!

1:1 VIP Emotional Wellness Mentorship for Sensitive Souls (those here to help BIRTH a new way of being)

Is all about giving yourself PERMISSION to feel whatever it is you are feeling. It’s about REGULATING your nervous system using Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Tapping to find your calm centre, and setting strong BOUNDARIES moving forward (without the guilt) so you can trust your body for the ENERGY you need to thrive.  Allowing yourself to create flow so that the BIG PUSH is not longer necessary.  

I use my intuition and a variety of approaches to help create a SAFE space for your nervous system to rewire (somatic-based with a trauma safe approach). 

Plus, I help “connect the dots” to raise your awareness so you can begin to “see” things differently. This will feel SO empowering as you begin to make better decisions for your own emotional wellness.

It’s this combination of tapping, talking, and energetic work together we create a POWERFUL difference for your life so you can feel more FREEDOM and PEACE.

I know you’ve tried talk therapy and a million other modalities which ended up making you feel utterly broken and like it’s not possible to heal. Just because this approach worked for me doesn’t mean it will work for you. 

That’s why I always say, “Follow the energy. If it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it!” 


Hello, I’m Anita Kaiser. Empath, highly sensitive soul, lightworker, trauma survivor, and priestess. For much of my life, I thought I was TOO emotional, somehow just OVER the top, and that something was surely WRONG with me. 

I lost too many years feeling angry, emotional, and overwhelmed. Meanwhile, despite all the coping techniques I had acquired, I was still spending most of my time in functional FREEZE. Getting things done but causing intense strain on my physical body.

My energy depleted. I felt scared. And the million THOUGHTS constantly running through my mind still didn’t help me figure out what the actual problem was. 


I discovered “tapping” (Emotional Freedom Technique). I quickly learned that the answers to my emotional wellness were in my BODY, not my head.  And that changed my life. 

So I became a Nationally Certified accredited EFT Practitioner. Now it’s one of the primary tools I use to support my clients in reaching their goals.  I love how it creates space to see things in a different light.  Not by force but through your nervous system softening and relaxing which is the only path to creating true, long lasting shifts.  

I believe that everything is connected. All the energy that you are holding in your body needs to be expressed. And once you are able to allow that ENERGY to move through you, everything falls into ALIGNMENT. 

You are here to experience PEACE and FREEDOM – THIS is your birthright!  



To support you on your journey to EMOTIONAL WELLNESS, I currently offer three different packages to work together one to one.

Each nervous system is UNIQUE and regulating the nervous system doesn’t work on the BRAIN’S schedule. Moving STUCK trauma/energy and grounding yourself so the old program isn’t there anymore can take TIME, especially if it’s been building in your tissues for decades. Having an initial chat can help us determine which timeline is the best fit before you commit.

If you choose to work with me as your Emotional Wellness Mentor, I will ask you to be HONEST with yourself, TRUST the modality and me, and be willing to go at the PACE your nervous system is signaling rather than what your brain thinks it should be. (this will be the most challenging part) 

Book your no obligation chat

Emotional Wellness Mentorship

You don’t need to toughen up. Or make yourself smaller.

What you DO NEED is emotional wellness: to become strong and solid in YOURSELF by releasing your emotions and honouring your nervous system. So you can embody your unique skills and gifts.


More than anything, what I really want for you is to make PEACE with your sensitive nature, set strong yet loving BOUNDARIES, and FREE your energy to create the LIFE you desire (and deserve).

Most of all, I want you to KNOW that you are NOT BROKEN.

If you:

  • know the energy is off,
  • are tired of the struggle and exhausted from the muck,
  • feel weary from trying to do it all alone,
  • are ready to look at the emotions you have been hiding from, and
  • KNOW in your heart that this is the LAST piece that needs to fall into place 

I invite you to make a powerful decision. Choose an easier, softer way forward. 

Experience emotional wellness mentorship so you can THRIVE.  You are a divine BEING of this UNIVERSE.  Your gifts are needed and your light is a part of the SHIFT.    

Reach out. Schedule a chat with me today. 

Emotional Wellness Mentorship

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