
What is the New Earth?

Where is the new earth? Initially when I first started hearing this term, I thought it was a place we were going to.  I didn’t understand but knew it was important. Over the course of the past few years, I’ve begun to connect more and more with this word.   I now know...

Can An Empath Lack Empathy?

How can an empath lack empathy? As a child I experienced trauma.  From sexual abuse to physical abuse to emotional abuse – all of it was prominent in my life at one point or another.  Although the experiences themselves were awful, by themselves these were not the...

Can you hear your intuition calling?

Intuitive Empath As an empath, I've always had a high degree of intuition.  I have a sense of awareness from my body and a knowing of when things are good for me and when they are not.  This was a huge deal during my younger years where there was much more high...

Yoga for Better Boundaries

How can yoga help you create better boundaries? From a young age I've been a lover of yoga.  I remember being pre-teen and getting a yoga book out of the library.  I've always been drawn to the spiritual side of things.  At that time in the world, yoga sure wasn't...

10 Reasons You Need to Embrace No

10 reasons to Embrace No Karen had just turned thirty when she became engaged. At the same time, she was planning her wedding, she also took on two key projects at work and began volunteering at a new organization that started in her area as well as helping her sister...

No can be a beautiful word

No can be a beautiful word Ella realized she was overloading her schedule the night she missed her daughter’s first dance recital. As the daughter of parents who never supported her, Ella had promised herself she’d always make being there for her kids her top...

Strategies for coping with energy vampires

Strategies for coping with energy vampires What are the various strategies that can help you cope with energy vampires?  The past two weeks I have shared information about what an energy vampire is and how to recognize when we are around one.  This week I will be...

You Carry Your Trauma with You

When Marcy was a kid, her father was an alcoholic. Sometimes, he’d get physically violent with her mother and she saw her father beat her brother a few times when he tried to intervene in the conflicts. Marcy coped with the dysfunction by trying to be the “good girl”....

How Trauma Affects Your Physical Body

Trauma affects your physical body and can often remain stuck there without our awareness. Regan was bullied in middle school because she walked with a limp. For years, she endured the jeers and cruelty of her classmates. As she got older, she thought she’d left behind...

What’s Undermining Your Confidence?

Undermining your confidence Elle was a graphic designer working for a large agency. She enjoyed the work, but she wanted a more flexible schedule. She wanted to strike out on her own and launch a graphic design business, but she was terrified of taking the leap. When...

How to overcome setbacks and obstacles

Sue had been overweight for years. When she was diagnosed with asthma and a thyroid disease, she started getting the treatment she needed.  She realized that it was time she started taking care of herself and began to get back into shape.  Now, she was able to...

Are you ready to overcome fear?

Taking a risk sounds fun and exciting. You’re jazzed up to go do something but you’re not sure what. When it comes to risk-taking, try to look at what you are afraid of  and consider how you can overcome fear. Here are a few ideas to get you thinking… Betty Feared...

5 Smart Self-Esteem Builders

It’s easy to talk about rebuilding your self-esteem. But it’s hard to know where to start. There are so many suggestions and ideas out there already. What’s the first thing you should do? How about trying one of these exercises… Argue with Your Inner Critic The mean...

What Does Healthy Self-Esteem Look Like?

Dealing with low self-esteem can feel challenging. There are many people who have learned to change how they view themselves. It takes time and effort, but it is 100% possible for you to develop healthy self-esteem. Here are three women who did just that… Jane Learned...

Why Do You Struggle with Low Self-Esteem?

Low self-esteem can occur at any time or age even if you’ve had a relatively good life. However, there are some circumstances that make you more likely to develop low self-esteem. Here are a few of the most common causes… As an entrepreneur this can keep us from...

Defining Low Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is the way you view yourself. People with a healthy self-esteem can see both their flaws and their good qualities. They know they are not perfect but they’re also aware of all the good things they bring into the world simply by being themselves. But low...

Letting Go of Shame-Filled Thoughts

When you’re living with shame, it can be easy to let it dominate your thoughts. You may find yourself thinking unkind thoughts about yourself or others. When things go wrong, you might say, “Of course this happened. I don’t deserve good things.” Or “Why would anyone...

Getting Real: Sharing Your Shame with Others

When most people experience shame, they want to hide. It’s normal to want to isolate yourself when you’re feeling shame. But although the feeling is common, that doesn’t mean it’s the best choice. A better option is to let out your shame.  To find a safe space where...

How Is Your Shame Affecting Your Life?

Shame can influence your life in a big way. That’s because shame brings with it the idea that you’re unworthy. This false belief can lead you to hide out from yourself and others.  As an entrepreneur, it can be debilitating and make you think you aren't cut out for...

Understanding Shame and Why You Feel It

Understanding Shame Jane had been dating Brad for months. She’d been to his apartment, had met most of his friends, and even went to brunch with his parents. She loved how open Brad was and how he willingly shared his life with her. But as time went on, Brad found it...

Reclaim Your Power: Healing from a Toxic Relationship

Toxic relationships come in many forms – a client that verbally abused you, a friend that always puts you down, or a significant other that habitually ignores your boundaries. These relationships, even if you recognize that they aren’t healthy, are difficult to let go...

How to Handle Toxic People in Your Life & Business

Toxic people (aka bullies) can be found in any area of your life and business. But just because you’re collaborating with that toxic business partner or living with your toxic spouse doesn’t mean you have to accept their toxicity. You can learn how to handle these...

Why Are Some People Toxic?

Why Are Some People Toxic? You have that one friend or client who you know is toxic. Occasionally, you might have a pleasant conversation, but those are few and far between. Your interactions are typically negative and you end the video chat or phone call feeling...

Are you emotionally detached?

How do you know if you are emotionally detached? For many of us who grew up being bullied or abused as children we learned to keep our emotions tight.  Each time we allowed those emotions to come forth we were showed that this was not okay.  Our emotions were met with...

Bullied as a child?

3 things to help you decide if your childhood bullying is still affecting you  1.  Are you disconnected from your emotions?There are two ways for this to come into play. The first is a flat lining.  You experience very little emotion.  That includes both good and bad...

Science of EFT Tapping

What is Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT Tapping)? Emotional Freedom Technique (also known as EFT Tapping)) is a highly effective healing modality that can be used by anyone. It is often referred to as acupressure without the needles. The meridians that are followed...

Cortisol and Bullying

What is Cortisol? According to the website you and your hormones "cortisol is a steroid hormone that regulates a wide range of processes throughout the body, including metabolism and the immune response.  It also has a very important role in helping the...

Learned Helplessness

What does Learned Helplessness mean to you? Let's start with Bullying Plain and simple with no glossing over it - Bullying is Abuse.  Take a few minutes to allow that to sink in. How does it feel when you read that? Do you feel the resistance or are you on...

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