
Science of EFT Tapping

What is Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT Tapping)? Emotional Freedom Technique (also known as EFT Tapping)) is a highly effective healing modality that can be used by anyone. It is often referred to as acupressure without the needles. The meridians that are followed...

Cortisol and Bullying

What is Cortisol? According to the website you and your hormones "cortisol is a steroid hormone that regulates a wide range of processes throughout the body, including metabolism and the immune response.  It also has a very important role in helping the...

Learned Helplessness

What does Learned Helplessness mean to you? Let's start with Bullying Plain and simple with no glossing over it - Bullying is Abuse.  Take a few minutes to allow that to sink in. How does it feel when you read that? Do you feel the resistance or are you on...

Types of Bullying

Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash Let's talk As I shared last week in the book review (Bullied), I have had my own experiences with being bullied. I’ve begun to talk to people about their experiences.  I’ve realized that almost everyone I know was bullied for one...

What is your story?

In case you don't know what I mean when I saw your story I am sharing one of the stories I have been telling myself to help you see things in a different perspective. A funny thing happened to me this week... I realized that my yoga mat does fit into the trailer!  And...

Energy Leaks

Energy Leaks This past weekend I choose to plug up one of my energy leaks. When we started on this journey I was not sure how things would go after the first year. I was leaving a job I loved and I wasn’t ready to close that door at the time. It was a job...

Feelings of Guilt

Feelings of Guilt One of the things that has been coming up often these past few weeks as I talk to clients is the emotion of Guilt.  We are driven by it in so many cases and it’s not healthy for your body, your mind or your soul. Take a moment to consider...

Book Review: The 4-Hour Workweek

The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich Perhaps you are already familiar with this book.  It’s not new, it’s been around for many years.  In fact Tim just recently updated and expanded this book which is how it crossed my path...

Feeling Your Emotions

Feeling Your Emotions The other day my daughter was talking to me about how in the movies the girls who are coming off break ups are always drowning their sorrows in ice cream.  It got me thinking about many of the messages that we receive about stuffing...

Lion’s Gate

What is the Lion's Gate The 8th day of the 8th month, in the sign of Leo.  This is when the lion's gate portal opens.  It is a powerful energetic day that creates space for us to deepen our connection on the physical and spiritual realm. 2018 was the first time that...

Emotional Opening

Emotional Opening - finding space to process Today was supposed to be a good day.  It was going to be highly productive and I had plans to go for a long bike ride. As I sat for my morning meditation, I knew that finding my peace today was going to be...

Can you Visualize Success?

Visualisation This week I spoke about intentions and the incredible things that can shift when you set them.  As an additional resource,  I wanted to also share a bit about visualizations and the power that they hold. Taking the time to sit in quiet and...

Are you too busy?

Busyness - how busy is good busy? When people ask you how you are do you often tell them you are busy? Have you ever considered that some of your busyness might actually be holding you back from what you really want to achieve? What does being busy mean to...

You are not Broken

You are not Broken One of the things that comes up so often in my work is this idea that people feel they are not normal.  I hear it in sessions with my one to one clients all the time.  If I were normal I wouldn't have this problem, or if I was normal I wouldn't feel...

Tapping for an Open Heart

Tapping for an Open Heart Are you familiar with Emotional Freedom Technique? Have you heard about it but are unsure what it is? Are you ready to release some of the layers that have bound your heart over the years? This weeks video I share a tapping...

Take Charge of your Life

Are you ready to take charge of your life? I can still remember the days.  So many days where I just wanted someone to give me the answer.  Just tell me what to do.  I don't know what it is I am supposed to do to make this suffering stop.  At that time in my life the...

Tapping for Motivation

Motivation is a funny thing. Somedays one has lots and others days it just feels otterous. As an entrepreneur it can be challenging to stay motivated. There is no one there on a daily basis who tells you what needs to be done or keeps your eye on the ball...

Impostor Syndrome

Impostor Syndrome Have you been thinking of starting a business?  Do you have an idea in your head that you think would be an amazing business?  Is there something you've always wanted to do but haven't yet? Maybe you already have a business but just...

Making Decisions

How do you make decisions? Making decisions can be really hard.  Many of us are taught from an early age to disregard the signs in our body on what feels right and what feels wrong.  We learn to follow the rules, to be polite, rather than to honour what feels right in...

Tapping for Overwhelm

EFT for Overwhelm I created this video as we were packing up our household to move full time into a trailer.  We sold/packed/got rid of all our stuff in a 4 bedroom house to move into a 28 ft travel trailer.  We did this over the course of 2 months. ...

Tapping Shame right out of your system

Tapping Shame right out of Your DNA EFT Tapping is one of my favorite modalities to help heal in a gentle trauma informed way. This audio gives you a small taste of what can be accomplished with EFT tapping.  This sequence is audio only.  It goes quite fast. ...

Spirit Bear Book Review

Spirit Bear Book Review At the beginning of the year I set myself a goal to read 50 books. At this point I have read 34 of the 50. In the past I have often forced myself to finish books that I started because that just felt like the right thing to do - but recently I...

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