Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking

As an avid reader there are many books that i see that are good but not good enough to share with you.  This one that came to me as a recommendation through a course I took needs to shared.If you know me in real life you probably think of me as an extrovert.  I have always had a loud voice and assertive demeanor.  I am direct with my communication because that’s the way I hope people will be with me.  That style doesn’t work for everyone.  Especially those of the introverted nature.

Funny enough I’ve recently realized that I am far more on the introverted scale than I am on the extroverted scale.  I also have a child and husband who are introverted.

The title of this book Quiet:  the Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking had me intrigued right off the bat. Susan starts this book off with various examples from her life as a corporate lawyer as well as people she has interviewed who went to Harvard Business School.  She talks about cultural differences in introversion and extroversion.  She touches on parenting an introverted child and how the current school system can affect our children.  Cain also has a focus on a large grouping of research studies that give insight into how introversion is seen in the world. Although the author does have a far more extensive vocabulary than I (there were a few times when word I wasn’t familiar with came up) this book is well worth a read in my opinion.  Since we played it in the car my 12 year old daughter also listened to much of it and being an introvert she found much of the information extremely helpful in understanding herself better. It helped me as well!

If you decide to purchase this book – please know that this is an affiliate link and I will receive a small sum for your purchase. Doesn’t cost anything at your end it’s just a little bonus for me.

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