Some of this is definitely tied to the myriad of messages that we are bombarded with on a daily basis. Some of it might be the comparisonitis that creeps in from being on social media. It might be friends or family convincing you.
Regardless of how or why the fact remained that I was continually wondering am I broken? There was a part of me that believed this was the truth.
Turning back the clock to the fall of 2021
I knew something needed to shift so I started working with my friend Dianne in her vital goddess mastermind.
Having a history of sexual abuse and knowing the way the body works, I knew there was something here that needed to be looked at. Creating space to explore while being supported in this way was so powerful.
I had already done much work to create capacity in my nervous system so I could hold this exploration.
Up till this point, I was certain that it was me. That somewhere along the line I got broken.
Am I broken?
I began this journey and very quickly realized that I was not broken.
Instead I saw and felt that parts of myself had been closed off.
I had unconsciously closed parts of myself down.
There were various reasons for this shut down but what was very clear to me was that I was not broken.
Being the victim
It would have been super easy for me to blame my partner. It would have been easy for me to say that this was his fault. But that would be a cop out.
That victim mentality would leave me powerless. This point is extremely important. Wherever you currently find yourself – there are parts of these circumstances that you have chosen. Sometimes we choose consciously and sometimes unconsciously. Both are a choice.
I know how harsh that might sound. I know how hard that was for me when I first started realizing my part in the life experiences I was having that were less than pleasant.
We are not powerless in our lives. We are actually grand creators who have lost our way. And it’s time now to start owning our power.
How could I possibly create the business and life of my dreams if I had no power?
Taking ownership
Taking that step to get the support I needed in this area was huge.
As it is every time we allow ourselves to ask and RECEIVE what we need. It takes great courage to begin this journey. Moving towards getting to know and understand yourself in a deeply intimate way.
I needed that space to explore in a safe container.
The opportunity to have reflected back to me what was possible. This is the work I do with my clients. Holding the space for them to step into themselves in a more authentic, embodied way.
Being seen and witnessed on the journey was what gave me the capacity to move forward towards more of what I really wanted. It gave me space to know myself more deeply and from there I could make grounded and empowered decisions. What might that feel like for you?
Being a sensitive soul in business
For me this is also what is needed to run my business in a healthy way. I have the right supports in place.
Those that don’t allow me to play the victim. Those that call me in when I am feeling sorry for myself.
Notice I said call me in. It’s a gentle, softer way of being. A feminine way, that allows me to embody my true essence.
One that allows my nervous system to come around at its own pace rather than by me trying to slam something in there because I think that’s the way it should be.
What if we could all just be round pegs in round holes rather than a square peg trying to fit into a round hole?
Can you feel the difference?
The new earth way of being includes softness. It includes more intuition. It includes holding things loosely.
Allowing things to unfold rather than managing every single piece. Of course there is still action needed but not that aggressive PUSH of I must get ahead.
As we step more deeply into this role of being a new earth leader it also includes radical honesty with self.
Are you ready to get really honest with yourself? To release any shame that is being held in your system and step into your true authentic self?
If you are I invite you to use the link below and book in for a chat. Let’s see what kind of support your nervous system needs to open and blossom into the role you came here to play.
Not the one society told you was yours.