Living on the edge
When I choose to try out house sitting long term I had no actual idea of what this lifestyle choice would look like or how it would work.
This is how most things go for me these days. It’s a feeling, a desire, an idea, a rose petal lying on the ground asking me to follow it.
Following the rose petals
Around Halloween this past year a dear friend of mine hosted a night with spirit. It happened to be on October 27th which in Mexico is know as Pet Day of the Dead. None of us knew this at the time but almost every single spirit that came through that night was of a deceased pet.
My beautiful girl Chance came through and told me that this house sitting/pet sitting gig was actually her idea. She gave it to me.
At that time, I had just completed an incredible sit. One that made me kind of want to pinch myself daily (could this really be my life?). There were two dogs and one cat all who slept in bed with me. Chance was quite annoyed that the cat had dared to sleep in bed with me and that made me laugh so much.

House Sitting Long Term (Pet sitting)
I have now been living this nomadic lifestyle for nine months. I have been house sitting/pet sitting since October full time. What I mean by that is outside of one or two nights in between sits this is how I live on a regular basis.
I have a few sits that are just a single week but most of my sits are longer since I know with this level of movement my nervous system needs some time to settle.
When I first started booking these, I was of the mindset that I had to just accept whatever was available. Now I have realized that I get to choose exactly what I want in a sit. Which means in most cases I am living temporarily in places that I never would have been able to afford.
No home no roots
What I have noticed is that the days when I need to leave before I get to the next stop and get settled there is always some bumpiness in the ride. These are the moments I pay special attention to. It is the time when I bump up against societal expectations and old paradigm beliefs.
These are the moments when I am reminded that I am living on the edge of what most folks would deem acceptable or even normal. The moments when I feel a bit bereft and sad about being unable to have a solid home base for my daughter to land in. Times when I need to be extra soft and gentle towards myself.
Energy Healing Land Clearing Tree Loving
What has become very clear over these past few months is each location has also called me there. Whether it is through the land that may require some healing or activation. The trees who often ask me to amplify the light that they are anchoring or the people themselves. Whose higher selves know that I have codes within me that can support their growth and expansion.
Each place I wind up in has something special for me. Often there are reminders of my childhood. It’s quite amazing to me how many different houses I’ve been into that have some THING that is exactly like the THING that was in my house growing up.
There have been wooden benches, art, patio furniture, a whole variety of things that just remind me that I am exactly where I am meant to be. My job is to be present to those moments. To notice what is happening right here right now. To be in my body not up spinning stories and trying to understand with my mind. To FEEL into the moments right in front of me.
Holding space for clients
When I work with clients we are expanding the capacity in their nervous system. Creating space for a deeper level of safety. One where they can let go of the childhood programs that served at one point but are no longer working. Instead, now those old stories are keeping them stuck in a paradigm that is no longer what they want. A space where more JOY and AUTHENTICTY are being called in.
Each day that I continue to live like this helps me hold larger space for whatever dreams and missions my clients are meant to bring to fruition. In most cases these dreams are currently hidden beneath a pile of limiting beliefs.
This is the work that I have the privilege of taking part in. Creating new belief systems to help anchor in a world that feels better to all of us.
Want to know more
If you are interested in being a house/pet sitter yourself, I have a 25% off coupon for the first year of membership. I would happily share this with you.
Perhaps after reading this, you know you’d like to work together (or at least have a virtual cuppa) I’d be honoured to share some energy with you via the interwebs. Use this link to check the schedule and book in.