Feelings of Guilt
One of the things that has been coming up often these past few weeks as I talk to clients is the emotion of Guilt. We are driven by it in so many cases and it’s not healthy for your body, your mind or your soul.
Take a moment to consider how many things in your life are driven by guilt? How much of your day do you feel guilty?
The first few years of parenting are filled with guilt. Mommy guilt everywhere from feeding the wrong way, to going back to work too soon, to the choices you make on how to parent.
As your kids age and you start to have other interests the guilt continues as your kids and family still want you to be the old you, and yet you know it’s time to develop yourself outside the home.
As time goes on, we often wind up caring for aging parents which brings another dose of guilt. Those in our inner circles get upset when we start to rock the boat. They want the old us – the one that is agreeable and ready to put her needs on the back burner.
If you don’t have kids, there is often guilt associated with that. There is no shortage of people wanting to know why or why not. Your parents want to know when they can expect grand children.
If you are not in a relationship there is guilt with that. Everyone’s favorite question is are you dating anyone? Have you found that special someone?
The point here is that the guilt just keeps coming and it is up to us as beautiful beings to create boundaries (see more on that here) so that we are finding our joy.
One of the tools that I use in my coaching business is EFT. (Emotional Freedom Technique)
When we consider the emotion of guilt it often comes with some rather serious physical sensations; heaviness in the chest, grinding teeth, tension in the neck, difficulty breathing, and headaches. These are just some of the ways that guilt can show up in your body.
Using EFT helps release these emotions and can often clear the root issues. Depending on how deep the pattern runs, often these emotions can be released in just a few sessions.