yoga for better boundaries

How can yoga help you create better boundaries?

From a young age I’ve been a lover of yoga.  I remember being pre-teen and getting a yoga book out of the library.  I’ve always been drawn to the spiritual side of things.  At that time in the world, yoga sure wasn’t popular like it is now.  It was still very much part of the alternative world.

I remember trying to practice in front of our wood stove.  One of the first times, I passed out for a moment when I was doing a forward fold and not breathing.  Hence why the breath work is such an integral part of the practice.

I’ve come a long way since those days…

At some point during my adult life I made the decision to pursue teaching yoga.  I started off with baby yoga – classes focused on helping babies sleep and developing the connection between parent and baby. I moved onto kid’s yoga and then to adult yoga.  Most people do things the other way around, but not me.  I like to follow my own path.

Yoga for better boundaries

This brings me to the class I am offering on the 21st of September.

In order to have solid boundaries as an empath, we need to be fully in our bodies.

On the energetic realm, there are no boundaries and since energy is our currency as empaths, things get very confusing here on this planet.

Yoga brought me into my body. It helped me ground on a deep level. It created an awareness of my physical body. This was a super powerful part of my personal journey.

From the work I do in my 1-2-1 coaching, I can see that this disconnection from the body is a consistent pattern many empaths have. Sometimes this is a trauma response.

This is why I am offering this class.

In this one hour yoga class we will be focusing on the energetics and the sensations much more than the poses and how they should look. This class will be gentle in nature but the assumption is that you are familiar with yoga.

This will be an experience to awaken and connect you into the body but also to create a connection with your subconscious. I will be incorporating tapping (emotional freedom technique) as well as energy medicine and visualization.

Class takes place September 21st at 7pm EST. You will receive a zoom link to join but you’ll do your practice privately – the only audio and video that will be on will be mine. You will also receive a recording of the class once it’s been completed in case you’d like to do it again. Cost is $25 CAD.

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