Bring yourself into alignment to flow like water – all it takes is connecting into your truth and trusting your heart.
To find your feminine flow.
Stepping into your feminine flow helps you own more of your healing and leadership capabilities. These are SO needed in this transitional time. We are emerging from the birth canal, part of the new earth and have a role to play.
Old conditioning keeps us stuck in FEAR. It keeps us disconnected from our HEART and keeps us trying to fit into a box that is BROKEN. This pattern of trying to do the RIGHT thing at the expense of yourself creates a loop where you BELIEVE the answers you seek are somehow outside of you, keeping you from accessing your feminine flow.
This is exactly how the patriarchy keeps you hooked in and easy to manipulate.
Let me assist you in releasing your fears, discovering your power and opening to your inner goddess to find your feminine flow.
I totally understand because I’ve been there and see it every day with my clients.
For the longest time it’s felt impossible to be feminine and successful. Wearing the pants and PUSHING the energy has felt like the only option. The combination of toxic masculinity and wounded femininity has left us in this space where we are carrying these collective wounds in society.
The more tuned in you are, the more confident and capable YOU feel. But that isn’t easy when you’re stuck in fear. Afraid of peoples reactions, afraid of hurting others and being judged, afraid of being deemed selfish. We have been taught that femininity is weakness.
The truth is, you are already enough. Now it’s time to surrender to that knowing and trust yourself.

It’s easy to find yourself in a wobbly place of feeling disconnected and alone. Searching for how to DO more, more, more. It’s how this paradigm has been designed. And it is not the way of the new earth.
For you this might look like:
- Relying on yourself rather than showing any sense of softness.
- Working hard to constantly please others in order to be liked and accepted.
- Struggling to KNOW who you are and WHAT you want.
- Being totally disconnected from your emotions, often supressing anger and sadness.
- Faking joy or pleasure, being too disconnected from showing up as expected instead of how you actually feel.
- Not being able to receive. Even compliments are hard to accept never mind actual help with things.
- Spending a lot of time feeling guilty or not enough.
You know this is not the way you want to live but it’s felt impossible to see any other way.
Find Your Feminine Flow: Healing the Sacral Wound and Opening the Heart
We will create sacred space in a small, trauma-sensitive group healing circle that will help you break the shackles that have kept you easy to manipulate and too busy to hear your inner alignment with softness, ease and grace. Allowing yourself to be nurtured and nourished as you dissolve the bonds of patriarch. Creating space for a more pleasurable and joyous life filled with abundance and creativity.
Say goodbye to those tricky old thoughts and habits that no longer serve your highest purpose. Connect to your feminine flow so you can do more of what’s right for you; leading with softness.
Your HEART knows the TRUTH. Your DNA remembers a different story and it’s time now to prepare for your feminine flow. Finding it involves healing the sacral chakra, allowing your emotions to flow like water to clear the pathway to your heart. Your HEART is the door to the new earth and finding your feminine flow. All while feeling held and supported with a group of soul family.

Find your Feminine Flow: is all about creating space for softness and honoring your truth
- living a more authentic life
- discovering your truth – who you are and what your unique magic is
- inviting more creativity, and sensuality into your being
- allowing you to embody your inner priestess
- feel more confident in taking steps that are SOUL-LEVEL TRUE for you
Empowerment – Abundance – Joy – Pleasure
In this 3 month container, we will heal the sacral chakra by releasing the ties that hold us in servitude. We will flow with our emotions and learn to ride the waves. This will take us right into our heart space. From here we will move forward into compassionate leadership.
I’ll use my intuition and culmination of learning over the past 25 years – including EFT tapping, yoga, energy work, and priestess training – to create a safe group space for you to relax back into your highest self.
This is a journey of remembering.
At the end of each gathering, you’ll feel more connected, rooted and ready to move forward along your unique path.
You’ll experience TRUSTING yourself. Creating new habits and community that supports and celebrates you in your EMBODIMENT. You’ll know what you want, what’s right for you, and have the confidence to handle whatever comes your way.
You will have found your feminine flow.

$1997 Canadian (taxes extra)
If you choose to trust me as your Business Success and Wellness Coach, and in this case, Space Holder, I will ask you to be honest with yourself, trust the modalities and me, and be willing to contribute with an open heart to the energy of the circle.
We are here to build deep connections that can help support us going forward.
We will meet on Thursdays at noon ET. (Check your time zone)
Dates are as follows: May 16th, 23rd and 30th, June 6th and 13th – then we break for an integration week returning June 27th, July 4th, 11th and ending on July 18th
Ready to step into your feminine flow?
Do I need to have previous experience with the modalities you mention?
- EFT tapping, yoga, energy work, and deep reflection will be woven into the program. You do NOT require any prior experience with these modalities but you do need to be ready to move forward. All I ask is that you are open to experimenting with new ideas and practices.