Coaching for
Sensitive Souls

Coaching for
Sensitive Souls



SPIRITUAL MENTORSHIP for those who are overwhelmed, exhausted and frustrated.

You know you want to do better but right now it all feels like too much.  Your nervous system is at capacity.

Expand Your Nervous System Capacity

I created this video for heart centered folks like yourself who have been over-giving for a lifetime.

It’s time to start honoring your needs!

Welcome beautiful lightworker,

I’m Anita Kaiser and I help empaths and highly sensitive souls like you increase your nervous system capacity so you have more energy and can show up authentically and create the life you dream of without loosing the balance that you have already worked so hard to establish.

These times are not for the faint of heart and having the right support makes a world of difference.  We need all hands on deck!

I have a soft spot for supporting the black sheep of this world.  The ones who are here breaking the patterns and leading the way to higher consciousness.

You’ve spent a lifetime feeling misunderstood and alone.  It’s been exhausting but you’ve made it work, and it’s taken way more energy and resources than you’ve wanted.  A BIG part of you is SURE that there is a better way.

Let me help you find it.

spiritual mentorship

As a highly sensitive person or empath, you FEEL the energy of everything around you.

It’s exhausting and overwhelming.  You’d like it to STOP but the intensity just keeps ramping up.

Due to your depth of processing, your nervous system is highly activated.  The heavier the load gets the more you are relying on those old patterns from childhood which were created to keep you SAFE.

You are stuck REACTING rather than the carefully thought out RESPONSES you’d like to be giving.  Those patterns and programs were needed previously but now they are keeping you STUCK in a LOOP of dissatisfaction.

It is natural for you to try to raise the vibration and make people feel better.  It’s part of why you are here.  But when you do TOO MUCH, you’re giving away your energy and POWER which leaves you feeling DRAINED.  You wind up sacrificing your needs.

Seeing this old pattern for what it is and taking the time to understand how it has been running you into the ground is going to shift everything for YOU.  Understanding your own energy.  Knowing what your needs are.  Acknowledging the truth of past experiences without feeling trapped in the stories of them.  This is the path forward.


The somatic based spiritual mentorship that I offer is the perfect support for you on your journey home to self.  

You’ve been GOOD your whole life.  Constantly making sure you are doing all the RIGHT things.  And the THOUGHT of adding one more to your plate feels impossible.


You already know something has to give (because you are tired of running in circles!)  

  • You are FEELING exhausted and confused
  • Say YES, when you know you should say NO.
  • Feel SCATTERED and make unwise decisions.(or no decisions at all)
  • COMPROMISE your own wellness.
  • TRAUMA PATTERNS create unnecessary hurdles on your path. (hello codependency and self sacrifice)


A part of you knows there is more – your body can feel it – but somehow you just can’t figure out the path on your own.

Rather than trying to push the energy uphill by doing things the old way – let me show you how easy it can be when you start honouring your energetic capacity and move from a fully embodied, grounded space.

I understand.  I’ve been there.  It’s why I stepped into the role of new earth leader.


And I want you to know that there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with allowing yourself to FEEL all the BIG FEELINGS.

What IS wrong is our continual disassociation and disconnection from our emotional parts and our bodies.  The continual state of looking outside for the wisdom that each of us already has inside.

Our emotions allow us to CONNECT deeply to our intuitive center and open up the FLOW of ENERGY in our lives.  This is what the spiritual mentorship I do is all about.

We are here on this planet at this time in history to help birth a new world. A world where emotions are NOT shunned or something to be pushed down but are in fact revered as the GUIDANCE that they truly are.  You committed to this JOURNEY a long time ago.

FEELING our emotions is the HEALING.  When we STOP wasting precious ENERGY on LOVE and LIGHT rather than what we really have going on inside everything shifts.  Your ENERGY begins to FLOW freely, and it becomes SO much easier to THRIVE in life.  This allows you to STAY centered, grounded and present so you can RESPOND rather than constantly be swept away by the REACTIONS.

feminine essence

You have been feeling the call getting louder and louder.  It’s almost like your skin doesn’t quite fit anymore.  YOU are one of the DIVINE BEINGS here to help birth this NEW EARTH.  Honouring yourself and WALKING through the world from that EMBODIED and EMPOWERED space.


ACCEPT your SENSITIVE personality and build on your strengths through SOMATIC based support to create MORE:





Being a LIGHTWORKER during this birthing process has created a unique set of challenges. If you are ready to manage them better, I can help.

Working with me as your SPIRITUAL MENTOR and ENERGETIC SUPPORT will help you:

  • CONNECT to and understand your EMOTIONS and how they have been keeping you TRAPPED in the cycle of VICTIMHOOD
  • RELEASE repressed emotions and LIMITING BELIEFS so your energy can flow freely again
  • LISTEN to your intuition, your best source for decision making
  • Set strong, guilt-free BOUNDARIES
  • Increase your ENERGY levels and immune response so you have the stamina you desire to enjoy this incredible life 
  • Find MOTIVATION to do more of what lights you 

Walking this path without the right support can create that sense of loneliness and can leave you STUCK with the emotions that sit at the bottom of the vibrational scale.    Having a mentor who understands the depth of your processing is incredibly empowering.

Together, we can get you FEELING BETTER and FREEING YOUR ENERGY so you can LIVE the life of your DREAMS.


Explore individual mentorship

Are you ready to allow your ENERGY to flow freely to create a more SATISFYING LIFE?

Grab my free video so that you can begin the journey of expanding your nervous system capacity today.

Expand Your Nervous System Capacity

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