Intention Setting
I grew up in a blended household that was run by physical violence. As an adult, I’ve realized how challenging blended houses can be on all parties involved. As a child none of that mattered. All that mattered was that the household did not feel loving or safe for me when my step-father was around.
Growing up in a violent household created some patterns for me that continued into my adult years. I choose men who were also of the violent type and I got into a few bad situations while I was younger.
One day I woke up and realized that there was this pattern playing out. I can’t remember exactly what was going on in my life at the time but I remember seeing the pattern and making a conscious decision that this was going to stop. Being the victim was not the life I envisioned for myself.
From that day forward the guys I was attracting into my life began to change.
Things didn’t switch to perfect instantly but I was always aware as I continued to date when the warning signs were there. I began to really pay attention to my own intuition and when things didn’t feel right I cut my losses early on.
It still took me some time to find the right partner, but I was no longer attracting violent types.
As I’ve continued to grow and age, I’ve learned to use intention setting more regularly in my life.
I set business intentions, as well as personal intentions. I take the time to be more conscious with my life. I allow the flow, but also to know what it is that I want to experience and see.
I invite you to consider the power of intention setting in your life.
Where could you use a little clarity to lift yourself up to where you wish to be?
Would a daily practice of taking a few minutes in the morning to set one or two intentions for the day make a difference for you?
What patterns or thoughts are things that you would really like to change?
In my travels through the internet I found these lovely prayers that might help if you are feeling stuck in a certain place. Take a look and see if there might be something that can help you feel more empowered and in control of how and where you wish to go.