how to let go

How to let go and separate your energy is something that I believe would serve us best if taught to all space holders regardless of whether the work involves physical touching or energetic healing.  In most cases however this is not talked about and it is why we have such a high incidence of burnout in healing professions.

Your Adirondack Chair

In my Emotional Freedom Technique training we spend a fair bit of time talking about our Adirondack Chair. This type of chair leans back slightly and just generally allows you to be relaxed and comfortable.

The idea here is that when we are supporting others – rather than leaning in and getting closer, we sit back and stay comfortable in our chair.
Sometimes during sessions I notice that I have started to move towards the front of my chair. When this happens, I pay close attention to ensure that (at least energetically) I am at still in that Adirondack chair.


As human beings who have chosen a helping career path, we can encounter others who have experienced trauma. Many of us want to support others on their healing journey due to our own traumatic experiences.

To do this in a safe manner we need to have done our own work to ensure our nervous system stays in a regulated state.
If we are not in our regulated state or find ourselves triggered, this can cause problems for our clients.

Doing your work

I was on a call a few weeks ago with my mentor and she said something that I really loved. As coaches it is important that we charge enough to not only support the life we want to lead, but also so that we have enough money to ensure we can continue to do our OWN work.

I’ve come across many coaches in my time who are not supporting themselves in this way.
Personally, I want to ensure that I am giving my clients the most stable me that’s available and that means having my own support team.

Grounding and Clearing

Another aspect that is important when it comes to learning how to let go is to find some ways that help you to ground and clear your energy on a regular basis.

Here’s some ideas:

Emotional Freedom Technique is a powerful grounding technique.

Spending time in nature can be immensely helpful when we need support for how to let go. The trees continually show us how to let go.

At the end of my workday, I often use yoga as my opportunity for letting go.

Meditation is another amazing tool. As our thoughts continue to come and pull us in so many directions, we have the chance to reframe and release, practicing how to let go moment to moment.

Each of these techniques creates space for us in different ways to connect and accept how to let go of our control, or our desire to make things a certain way.

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