Living an Intentional Life

What does it mean to choose intentional living?  For spiritual souls ready for more

When I made the decision to leave my 20 year relationship I had no idea how things would turn out.  Yet I knew that I had to take the leap.

It wasn’t that things were awful.  They just were not satisfying me on a deep level and the path I saw moving forward included someone who wanted similar things to me.  Not someone who thought all the things I did were just too weird.

The years leading up to that decision were filled with struggle.  Fighting with myself.

Was I asking for too much?

Is this as good as it gets?

Am I allowed to be unhappy when there are so many people who have way worse issues?

Until one day I just knew I had to go.  It was like my skin didn’t fit anymore and no matter what the consequence were it was time for me to go.

Intentional Living involves Conscious Decision Making

Telling my ex that things were over was not a fun conversation.

He wasn’t surprised but it was still hard for me to do.  I can’t remember exactly how things went down but I do remember the sweet relief of knowing it was done.  Of knowing the first step had been taken.

Making that decision and leaning into it as best I could helped me leap into a new life in a way I never dreamed possible until I got here.

How was this intentional living thing going to work

Having received the message that for the foreseeable future I would be moving around I started to plan my travels.  The message was clear that I was to spend 3 months in Europe and then after that who knows what the next steps would look like.

This was only a possibility to me because I was willing to cash in my life.

Even though no one who knows me would ever call me conventional I was living in a house that we had dutifully been paying the mortgage on for years.  Initially I tried to hang on.  Was there some way I could travel but keep the house as a soft landing?

Selling the House

The universe laughed in my face.  Moments started arriving that made it super clear that I needed to stop fucking around and get this show moving.  The house needed to be SOLD.

I gathered my energy and we started doing the repairs and little things that needed to happen to get the house ready.  Getting the house to a place where it could be listed was a lot.

I struggled with finding the right realtor since the people I thought I would use indicated that the solar panels that I had been so happy to put on were a potential downside for the sale.  I knew after that comment that they weren’t the right people to sell this house.   This was another one of those energetic stop signs.

The right people were going to be so happy for the solar panels.  This little slice of land that I had been pouring love into for years would call the right people in.  I just needed to do my part and then trust.  No easy task but I managed to do it.

The house sold relatively quickly and although I knew I would be in Europe for just over a month without the proceeds I once again leaned into the trust.

Fast forward to today

For the past few days I woken up feeling like my life is a dream.  Not because I no longer have issues.  Definitely not because everything is perfect.  It’s because I choose this unconventional life with intention and it is now affording me things I barely even allowed myself to dream of in my past life.

I am currently house sitting on a farm with 175 acres.

The trees are ancient and have been talking to me.

The sunset and sunrises have been magical.

I’ve seen deer, skunk, raccoons, a golden eagle and countless other birds and little critters.

There is a yurt on this property in case I need an additional space to meditate or do my practice.

This is a space that I would have paid a lot of money to stay at previously.

Instead of me paying for a creative retreat by taking these risks I’ve created space for me to live in this intentional manner.  Where I can follow the rose petals into the highest version of myself following my joy and bliss.

If you are interested in taking steps in your own life to bring you closer to some big dreams let’s hop on a call and get to know each other.

Things are changing on this planet and we need all hands on deck to move us through this transitional time.

Want to read more of my story – you might be interested in this post where I share how the dark goddess came through to me.

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