This week I spoke about intentions and the incredible things that can shift when you set them. As an additional resource, I wanted to also share a bit about visualizations and the power that they hold.
Taking the time to sit in quiet and see the successes you want or need has incredible power. For example, if you have a meeting or presentation that you are nervous about you can do a few things to ensure that you are successful and have the outcome you truly desire in this situation.
- Ensure that you have a great nights sleep
- Ensure that you are well versed on the subject matter
- Have a healthy nourishing meal
- create space for stillness prior to the meeting
- envision the meeting being successful and having the desired outcome

Conversely of course, if you continue to say that you can not do whatever it is, or it won’t work, or you are doomed to fail then you know that these words will come true.
What we focus on is what persists in our life.
Check out this weeks video and then come back and tell me if you’ve ever used visualization to get something you’ve wanted?
If you haven’t yet used it – tell me what’s stopping you.