Change – Spring or Fall Transitions
We live in such an instant gratification society that sometimes it can be so hard to slow down and wait for things to happen.
We work for a short bit of time towards our goals and if there isn’t that immediate shift we loose patience or perspective.
Change is like the seasons. The big shift can often sneak up on us.
Being in the Northern Hemisphere we are curently gearing up into Spring. Each day I take time to notice what new flowers are popping out of the Earth, where there seems to be new buds, what energy is coming forth. I work to be present in these moments to find that awareness.
If life is carrying me away and I don’t have that diligence to stay aware it can often seem like one minute there was snow and the next there are flowers. We forget that all winter the trees have been harnessing their energy, the flowers have been building their strength, preparing for the big show to come.
This is how life is as well – how business changes – how growth comes to us. We take small steps each and every day to ensure we are moving in the right direction. So that one day we are ready for the show as well.