Emotional Opening – finding space to process
Today was supposed to be a good day. It was going to be highly productive and I had plans to go for a long bike ride.
As I sat for my morning meditation, I knew that finding my peace today was going to be harder than on some days. Even though the sun was shining, I was far to aware of the bugs biting me, the stickiness of my skin, and the clanging of the neighbors clip on their rig.
I am currently on the Malpeque Bay in PEI and they are experiencing a heat wave. The wind continues to keep the air moving, It also creates a certain unease and energy of anxiety. I find the wind also creates real challenges for sleeping and most often on nights like this I don’t sleep at all.
So instead of forcing myself to get to work, I opted to give myself a little bit of space. One of the lessons I’ve learned is that slowing myself down when times are more challenging is the best self care medicine I can give.
Changing the Energy
I grabbed the dog and took her for a walk.
As soon as I stepped out into the wind I remembered that no matter how uncomfortable this wind might be at night, is it making space for all the new energy that is on it’s way.
I saw fields of wild flowers swaying and they made me smile.
I heard birds as they peeped and squawked in the brush.
I saw the waves of the ocean and the red rock of PEI cliffs.
I saw the joy as my dog pranced around in the waves and the confusion as she continued to taste the water even after noticing it was salt water.
I could feel myself becoming lighter once again.
Giving myself space and time to process the emotions that were coming up was the self care I needed this morning.
What Self-Care could you use today?
Where in your life could you benefit from a bit of space? Sometimes it feels easier to just push the emotions through and carry on but in the long run this doesn’t serve us.
If you need a little support and would like to book a session the schedule is below.