It was June of 2022 when Lilith the dark goddess first spoke to me.
Since then I have not heard her come through in the same way but so much of my life has shifted and changed.
Perhaps its that I have heard what she said and am consciously moving towards it and therefore no new information needs to come through from her at this time. Who really knows?
It was mid afternoon on a Saturday. I had the house to myself. My then partner was away on a business trip that I would be joining later in the day.
As I got myself positioned in the garden – with the sun on my face and a book beside me I closed my eyes and took a few breaths. All of sudden I had all this information arrive. One minute it wasn’t there – I was thinking of being in the garden – and the next minute all this information about the divine feminine and the divine masculine had landed in my body.
It was as if the page had been turned in a book and what was there all along had suddenly revealed itself.
I don’t know how I knew it was Lilith but I did. It wasn’t as if she said hey I’m Lilith the dark goddess and I have a message for you. The information was just all of a sudden there. It was clear to me who it was from and how important it was.
At that time in my life I was already working deeply with this idea of divine feminine. Trying to understand the divine masculine but feeling swept away with the wounding of the feminine and the toxic nature of the masculine that I had seen in the world.
My relationship wasn’t in top form at all, but I still had hopes that it could work out.
The message that I received from the dark goddess Lilith was one of divine union.
She shared how although she is fierce in nature there is also an ability to surrender and be soft within her. That her wildness needs the container of divine masculine and only from that space can divine union be created.
The years between 2020 and 2022 I had been feeling the increase in feminine energy on the planet. I could literally feel the goddess rising out of the earth.
I had been dabbling with the ideas of matriarch and feeling like we needed to switch over from patriarchy which was clearly causing so much damage to so many in our current society to more of a matriarchal space.
The dark goddess Lilith made it clear to me that this was not the solution.
The solution (although that word seems very simplistic) requires balance. It requires a healing within each of us. To heal the wounded feminine sides that both men and women have and then to heal the toxic masculine programs. Only from that healed space can we move into divine union.
This message had me so excited.
I gave myself time to sit with it and then headed off to share it with my then partner.
Looking back, I can see that this moment was the nail on the coffin for my relationship. I saw all the possibilities for us both to grow and expand and he saw none of it.
Over the next little while I will be sharing more of my personal story. (want to know more now check out my about me page)
It’s a huge part of who I am and speaks to the way I run my business. Trusting the information that comes through and using it to move forward.
It’s how I go to this place where I am living this nomadic lifestyle and feeling a sense of freedom that I really never dreamed was possible.