All of us have moments where we need that confidence breakthrough. Reading is a simple way to improve your confidence When you see life through the author’s eyes, you learn more about yourself and your unique place in the world around you. If you’re looking to boost your confidence, here are four books you’ll want to pick up to help you creative that confidence breakthrough.
Daring Greatly by Brené Brown
Those who struggle with low self-confidence often talk themselves out of taking risks. It’s not intentional but when you don’t believe in yourself, it’s hard to make courageous decisions. That’s why books like Brené Brown’s Daring Greatly are so important.
In the book, the author explores the themes of shame and vulnerability. It encourages self-love and self-forgiveness, which are very important topics for all of us who want to live amazing lives.
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
Feeling bad about yourself keeps you trapped and living in fear. It’s the great paradox of low self-confidence. The worse you feel about yourself, the harder it is to act and it can become a self-repeating loop.
In Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert encourages readers to tackle their fears and embrace their natural creativity. If you want to create more art in the world but find a lack of confidence is holding you back, then this is the book you need. It’s a wonderful reminder to approach everything (including yourself!) with wonder and joy. I especially love how Elizabeth talks about ideas choosing us.
Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis
When you experience low self-esteem, it’s tempting to find yourself in constant apology mode. You apologize for the things you think, the things you want, and the things you don’t do but think you should.
In Girl, Stop Apologizing, Rachel Hollis tackles the root cause of confidence issues—shame. She discusses how to let go of the need for perfectionism and instead embrace the beauty of where you are right now.
How to Be an Imperfectionist by Stephen Guise
Low self-confidence is often associated with perfectionism, or the desire to be perfect at everything. If you can’t be perfect, you figure you might as well not even try. Unfortunately, that keeps you feeling like a failure and makes it hard to regain your confidence.
But with How to be An Imperfectionist, Stephen Guise tackles this destructive mindset. He nudges readers to try new things and go after their goals, even if they don’t get it right the first few times. Funny and frank, this short book is a wonderful way to stop and evaluate how you’re letting perfectionism hold you back from becoming confident.
You don’t have to overcome your confidence issues by yourself. Reading inspiring work from authors who have been there can be just what you need to shake things up and see yourself in a new light.
All of these books address the themes that come up regularly in my work. Shame, Vulnerability, trying to be perfect, all of these are carried within most of us in some way or another. The big question is are you going to let it rule you or are you ready to change the pattern?
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Want to have a chat about your confidence?
If you think you could use some support to help you create that confidence breakthrough book a no obligation virtual coffee with me today.