by Anita Kaiser | Aug 26, 2019 | Empath tools to heal nervous system
When it comes to healing your body from trauma it can be hard thing to think about. Most of us would rather pretend it isn’t an issue. But if you are stepping onto an entrepreneurial pathway you will need to tackle some of the issues that are stuck in your... by Anita Kaiser | Aug 21, 2019 | Symptoms of trauma
Love Your Body Tina was lying in bed with her husband one night when he told her he loved the way she felt in his arms as he held her. The comment troubled Tina because she couldn’t remember the last time she felt her husband’s touch. After that, Tina noticed that... by Anita Kaiser | Aug 14, 2019 | Empath tools to heal nervous system
EFT for Trauma Willow was involved in a school bus accident when she was in middle school. Although she survived, some of her classmates didn’t. In the years that followed, Willow continued to have flashbacks, nightmares, and difficulty concentrating. She received... by Anita Kaiser | Aug 11, 2019 | Symptoms of trauma
When Marcy was a kid, her father was an alcoholic. Sometimes, he’d get physically violent with her mother and she saw her father beat her brother a few times when he tried to intervene in the conflicts. Marcy coped with the dysfunction by trying to be the “good girl”.... by Anita Kaiser | Aug 7, 2019 | Symptoms of trauma
Trauma affects your physical body and can often remain stuck there without our awareness. Regan was bullied in middle school because she walked with a limp. For years, she endured the jeers and cruelty of her classmates. As she got older, she thought she’d left behind...