Can you hear your intuition calling?

Intuitive Empath As an empath, I’ve always had a high degree of intuition.  I have a sense of awareness from my body and a knowing of when things are good for me and when they are not.  This was a huge deal during my younger years where there was much more high...

You Carry Your Trauma with You

When Marcy was a kid, her father was an alcoholic. Sometimes, he’d get physically violent with her mother and she saw her father beat her brother a few times when he tried to intervene in the conflicts. Marcy coped with the dysfunction by trying to be the “good girl”....

How Trauma Affects Your Physical Body

Trauma affects your physical body and can often remain stuck there without our awareness. Regan was bullied in middle school because she walked with a limp. For years, she endured the jeers and cruelty of her classmates. As she got older, she thought she’d left behind...

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