by Anita Kaiser | Jul 15, 2018 | Being an empath or highly sensitive person
Boundaries can be defined as a place where you draw the line or limit. This line or limit can be regarding a behavior, language, or even a relationship. Each of us as individuals get to decide where and what our personal boundaries are. What do you think of when you... by Anita Kaiser | Jul 6, 2018 | Empath tools to heal nervous system
Busyness – how busy is good busy? When people ask you how you are do you often tell them you are busy? Have you ever considered that some of your busyness might actually be holding you back from what you really want to achieve? What does being busy mean to you?... by Anita Kaiser | Jul 1, 2018 | Being an empath or highly sensitive person
You are not Broken One of the things that comes up so often in my work is this idea that people feel they are not normal. I hear it in sessions with my one to one clients all the time. If I were normal I wouldn’t have this problem, or if I was normal I...