by Anita Kaiser | May 26, 2019 | Empath tools to heal nervous system
Do you easily get thrown off course by emotional or sensory overload? Have you been feeling like this emotional dysregulation is affecting your business? Whether it’s after an unexpected event or it’s a repeating pattern in your life, empath entrepreneurs CAN make... by Anita Kaiser | May 19, 2019 | Symptoms of trauma
Taking a risk sounds fun and exciting. You’re jazzed up to go do something but you’re not sure what. When it comes to risk-taking, try to look at what you are afraid of and consider how you can overcome fear. Here are a few ideas to get you thinking… Betty Feared... by Anita Kaiser | May 13, 2019 | Symptoms of trauma
Patricia had enjoyed her job as a corporate accountant for years. But she’d always longed to be a photographer. She’d spent years taking classes from the local college and she even picked up a few freelancing gigs. Now, she was playing with the idea of starting a...