by Anita Kaiser | Sep 27, 2022 | Being an empath or highly sensitive person
Overwhelm used to be my normal. Every little thing felt like it was pushing me over the top. My glass was always overflowing. This meant that when something out of the ordinary came into my life (hello life this happened every single day) I would find myself... by Anita Kaiser | May 11, 2022 | Being an empath or highly sensitive person
Why HSP Coaching? Over the course of my healing journey I have worked with many different practitioners using many different modalities. Each one has offered me an opportunity for growth and expansion, but the reality is that some of these experiences were better... by Anita Kaiser | May 3, 2022 | Being an empath or highly sensitive person
Kim was a busy mom with two kids and a high stress job as a nurse. She was prone to angry outbursts at home. Her husband and kids often avoided her when she was in one of her “moods.” The problem was Kim was always angry. She said it was simply because her job... by Anita Kaiser | Feb 8, 2022 | Being an empath or highly sensitive person
We are living in an incredible time right now where access to information and people makes the world seem so much smaller than it is. I have friends and colleagues all over the world and I feel so blessed to have the internet to connect us all. Most of... by Anita Kaiser | Sep 2, 2021 | Being an empath or highly sensitive person
Standing up for yourself Cat loved her mom. She thought her mom was a wonderful person and she’d grown up watching her mother show up and serve others with great compassion, going so far as to buy groceries for the single mom down the street and volunteer to help the... by Anita Kaiser | Mar 29, 2021 | Being an empath or highly sensitive person
Personal Boundaries have a huge impact on all facets of your life. As an empath without strong personal boundaries, you might find yourself attracting narcissists as well as suffering from burnout and many stress related diseases. But it is possible to change this...