You Carry Your Trauma with You

When Marcy was a kid, her father was an alcoholic. Sometimes, he’d get physically violent with her mother and she saw her father beat her brother a few times when he tried to intervene in the conflicts. Marcy coped with the dysfunction by trying to be the “good girl”....

What’s Undermining Your Confidence?

Undermining your confidence Elle was a graphic designer working for a large agency. She enjoyed the work, but she wanted a more flexible schedule. She wanted to strike out on her own and launch a graphic design business, but she was terrified of taking the leap. When...

Learned Helplessness

What does Learned Helplessness mean to you? Let’s start with Bullying Plain and simple with no glossing over it – Bullying is Abuse.  Take a few minutes to allow that to sink in. How does it feel when you read that? Do you feel the resistance or are you on...

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