by Anita Kaiser | Apr 24, 2020 | Empath tools to heal nervous system
Are you an empath entrepreneur who loves yoga? Curious what the best yoga pose might be for empaths? Being an empath entrepreneur can come with many challenges. For this reason, I’m a really big fan of yoga. It helps me find peace and centering in this... by Anita Kaiser | Feb 16, 2020 | Empath tools to heal nervous system
As an empath, do you feel like you catch other people’s emotions the way some folks catch colds? This is amplified when you are a self-employed lightworker, energy worker, coach, or therapist. Grounding techniques for empaths will help you manage this emotional and... by Anita Kaiser | Jan 27, 2020 | Empath tools to heal nervous system
What does emotional resilience mean for you? Being an empath or HSP in business is filled with a diverse set of challenges. The messages I received growing were clear that business and personal should be separate. In the entrepreneurial world these days the lines... by Anita Kaiser | Jan 10, 2020 | Empath tools to heal nervous system
EFT Tapping Coach for Empaths and Sensitives in Business One of things I’ve noticed with my clients is that as empaths, we carry a lot of pain. The world can be this crazy, painful place. We experience trauma and with our sensitive nature this winds up stuck... by Anita Kaiser | Aug 26, 2019 | Empath tools to heal nervous system
When it comes to healing your body from trauma it can be hard thing to think about. Most of us would rather pretend it isn’t an issue. But if you are stepping onto an entrepreneurial pathway you will need to tackle some of the issues that are stuck in your... by Anita Kaiser | Aug 14, 2019 | Empath tools to heal nervous system
EFT for Trauma Willow was involved in a school bus accident when she was in middle school. Although she survived, some of her classmates didn’t. In the years that followed, Willow continued to have flashbacks, nightmares, and difficulty concentrating. She received...