by Anita Kaiser | May 9, 2020 | Being an empath or highly sensitive person
What is an energy vampire? Depending on where you are in terms of your empathic journey you may or may not be familiar with this phrase. Today I’m going to share some insight into this concept as well as give you some idea on how to cope if you notice you have... by Anita Kaiser | Aug 26, 2018 | Being an empath or highly sensitive person
Energy Leaks This past weekend I choose to plug up one of my energy leaks. When we started on this journey I was not sure how things would go after the first year. I was leaving a job I loved and I wasn’t ready to close that door at the time. It was a job I had worked... by Anita Kaiser | Jul 15, 2018 | Being an empath or highly sensitive person
Boundaries can be defined as a place where you draw the line or limit. This line or limit can be regarding a behavior, language, or even a relationship. Each of us as individuals get to decide where and what our personal boundaries are. What do you think of when you... by Anita Kaiser | Jul 11, 2018 | Being an empath or highly sensitive person
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking As an avid reader there are many books that i see that are good but not good enough to share with you. This one that came to me as a recommendation through a course I took needs to shared.If you... by Anita Kaiser | Jul 1, 2018 | Being an empath or highly sensitive person
You are not Broken One of the things that comes up so often in my work is this idea that people feel they are not normal. I hear it in sessions with my one to one clients all the time. If I were normal I wouldn’t have this problem, or if I was normal I... by Anita Kaiser | Sep 12, 2016 | Being an empath or highly sensitive person
Self Love Challenges One of the things I see most often with my private clients is how challenging it is for them to receive. As empaths and sensitives, I believe that a huge part of this is due to the traumas we experienced. Many of us were conditioned that the...