House Sitting Long Term – Lifestyle Choices
Living on the edge When I choose to try out house sitting long term I had no actual idea of what this lifestyle choice would look like or how it would work. This is how most things go for me these days. It’s a feeling, a desire, an idea, a rose petal lying on the...
What Emotional Healing Looks Like for Empaths and Sensitives
What Emotional Healing Looks Like for Empaths and Sensitives Being an empath or a sensitive person means that you feel deeply. You can pick up on the emotions of others with remarkable clarity, and sometimes, it feels like your heart is wide open to the world’s joys...
Healing from a traumatic childhood
Healing from a Traumatic Childhood for Empaths and Sensitive Souls Trauma from childhood can leave deep emotional scars that take years to heal, especially for those of us who are empaths or highly sensitive souls. As empaths we feel the emotions of others so...
Walking with the Dragons
I knew when I started planning my trip to Europe that there would be big dragon energy present. I didn’t know exactly what that would look like or how it would feel but I knew this to be truth. As with so much of what I do – I’m never 100% clear on what is happening...
Intentional Living for spiritual souls – choosing the path that lights you up
What does it mean to choose intentional living? For spiritual souls ready for more When I made the decision to leave my 20 year relationship I had no idea how things would turn out. Yet I knew that I had to take the leap. It wasn’t that things were awful. They just...
Attitude of Gratitude supporting spiritual entrepreneurs
Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude Gratitude has always come fairly easy for me. Not that I am always feeling it but when I take time to focus on it and think about what I am grateful for – generally listing a few things is easy for me. These days even in the...
Am I broken?
So many of us go through this stage both in business and life. This idea that we are somehow broken. That there is something wrong with us. Everyone else in the world is having this beautiful social media perfect experience and we are the only ones NOT. Some of...
Meeting Lilith the Dark Goddess
It was June of 2022 when Lilith the dark goddess first spoke to me. Since then I have not heard her come through in the same way but so much of my life has shifted and changed. Perhaps its that I have heard what she said and am consciously moving towards it and...
Understanding your entrepreneurial resistance to embody acceptance for sensitives and empaths
In the entrepreneurial world I often find myself in conversations where people are speaking about their resistance. They speak about it in ways that indicate they would like to be rid of this nuisance. What I know to be true about resistance is that it is your...
What is the New Earth?
Where is the new earth? Initially when I first started hearing this term, I thought it was a place we were going to. I didn’t understand but knew it was important. Over the course of the past few years, I’ve begun to connect more and more with this word. I now know...
Do You Know About ACES? (Adverse Childhood Experiences)
Someone you love is dealing with the fallout of trauma and building understanding around it is the best way to be supportive as well as to understand your own inner workings. Trauma is not a cultural buzz word, it’s real and most if not all of us are carrying the...
The Power of Yin and Yang: How Balancing Feminine and Masculine Energies Can Boost Your Business for Empaths and Highly Sensitive Souls
As entrepreneurs, we are constantly searching for ways to improve our business. We bring our unique perspectives to the table. The way we approach our goals is influenced by our qualities of femininity and masculinity. But when these aspects are wounded, they not...
Can An Empath Lack Empathy?
How can an empath lack empathy? As a child I experienced trauma. From sexual abuse to physical abuse to emotional abuse – all of it was prominent in my life at one point or another. Although the experiences themselves were awful, by themselves these were not the...
When an empath is overwhelmed, what happens?
Overwhelm used to be my normal. Every little thing felt like it was pushing me over the top. My glass was always overflowing. This meant that when something out of the ordinary came into my life (hello life this happened every single day) I would find myself...
Healing the Mother Wound Taking Your Power Back
One of the issues that I often see in my clients and have also experienced myself over the years is the Mother Wound. This idea that we need to be in competition with other women, that there is not enough time, money, clients (insert YOUR word here). What is the...
Healing the nervous system from trauma for empaths and highly sensitive souls
Healing the nervous system from trauma is one of the most important thing I’ve done for myself. It is also the biggest aspect of my one-to-one work. Teaching those who work with me how to heal the nervous system so that they can access more joy on a regular basis....
Why letting go of shame is a power move for empaths and HSP entrepreneurs
Letting go of shame I remember so vividly the first time I realized what a huge part of my life had been burdened by shame. It was such a massive shock. It’s not something we are taught in school. Most of us are not even able to recognize it within ourselves. As...
Why HSP coaching is exactly what you need to thrive
Why HSP Coaching? Over the course of my healing journey I have worked with many different practitioners using many different modalities. Each one has offered me an opportunity for growth and expansion, but the reality is that some of these experiences were better...
Are you secretly angry? For empaths and highly sensitive people
Kim was a busy mom with two kids and a high stress job as a nurse. She was prone to angry outbursts at home. Her husband and kids often avoided her when she was in one of her “moods.” The problem was Kim was always angry. She said it was simply because her job...
Is trauma the hidden force limiting your business success?
Trauma. It’s a word that you may see being referred to a lot these days. And maybe you’re not quite sure what it actually covers. In the past, people thought of trauma as being a massive, obvious, public, life event. Perhaps something that would be newsworthy. But...
Why working with a highly sensitive coach is what your business needs
We are living in an incredible time right now where access to information and people makes the world seem so much smaller than it is. I have friends and colleagues all over the world and I feel so blessed to have the internet to connect us all. Most of...
How do I self regulate emotions so I can have more business success?
I am going to imagine if you are here reading this blog post it is because your emotions are feeling out of whack. My bet is that means you are either a highly sensitive person or an empath or in some cases perhaps even a highly sensitive intuitive empath like...
How healing wounded feminine energy supports business success
One of the things that I see most often in my work is wounded feminine energy. It comes in a host of different forms but can absolutely debilitate a business. As a woman who has always had strong emotions and a deep desire for connection, there have been many...
What to do when you feel disconnected from your business (and yourself)
Being a heart centered entrepreneur can be challenging and there will be times when you feel disconnected from your business. Sometimes you will also feel disconnected from yourself. I want to assure you first off, that this doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with...
Why negative energy clearing is so important for highly sensitive business owners
Negative energy clearing is a part of my daily habits. If you are a lightworker, healer, coach, or therapist of some kind, and consider yourself to be of the empathic or sensitive nature, I know you would benefit from adding this to your daily habits as well. What is...
Why moon circles can be powerful for empaths and highly sensitive entrepreneurs
I’ve been following the cycles of the moon for a long time now. Watching the way she ebbs and flows. Noticing how her energy affects my energy. Allowing space in my life to pay attention to small things that I might have missed with my previous “fast paced keeping...
A circle of safety for empath entrepreneurs: rediscover and free your wild nature
Having a circle of safety is something that I believe each person on this planet deserves. In my mind it SHOULD be a given and sadly it just isn’t, so many of us grew up in an environment that didn’t feel safe. No Fun Allowed I was recently remembering a time in my...
How to find your solid ground in a women’s circle
This past week I spent time up at the cottage with two of my best friends. I call them my sisters because they are the women who I feel most supported by and most connected to. This women's circle is one of the most important pieces for my long term success. During...
10 signs you are not standing up for yourself as an empath in business
Standing up for yourself Cat loved her mom. She thought her mom was a wonderful person and she’d grown up watching her mother show up and serve others with great compassion, going so far as to buy groceries for the single mom down the street and volunteer to help the...
Using the meditation app insight timer for highly sensitive entrepreneurs business success
For a long time now I’ve been having a bit of a love/hate relationship with social media. There have been so many changes and shifts to the algorithms and most often what that means for me as a small business is that less and less people get to see my work. Can you...
Empaths in business: it’s time to let those self sabotage behaviors go
Have you ever wondered if the problems in your business are due to your own self-sabotage behaviors? For me, when I sit down with my coach or mentor and start working through something it always comes back to my part in the problem – how am I getting in my own way?...
How sensitive solopreneurs can benefit from becoming more self compassionate
What if being self-compassionate could improve your business? For the longest time I heard some mean voices in my head. Voices that told me I wasn’t good enough and ensured I never got started with things because the chance of me being successful was slim to none....
What is an authenticity coach and why would I want one for my business?
One of the things people often say when we work together is that they feel more like themselves. It’s an interesting thing we do in society. We are often teaching our children that it’s not okay to be themselves. The ways things should be I know in my own parenting...
We heal in community: How to know if a healing circle is right for you
Healing circles are powerful catalysts for change Having just spent a week watching the panel talks that are an accompaniment to the movie The Wisdom of Trauma featuring Dr. Gabor Mate, it all makes perfect sense. I’m a huge fan of Dr. Mate’s work. His “no shame”...
I’m feeling a total lack of enthusiasm for my healing business
When I first started my business, I was so excited to get moving each week. There were so many things to do and I couldn’t wait to get to them. Then one day I started to feel a lack of enthusiasm creeping in. It became harder to get out of bed. It started to become...
I’m too tired to promote my wellness business
Often when we start out in business we have so many different ideas of how things will go. There are a whole host of things that an entrepreneur must think about and if we aren’t careful, we can find ourselves stuck in the weeds and feeling too tired. Finding a way to...
When nothing is working in your healing business
I remember those days vividly. Working hard to get my business off the ground. I felt like I was doing everything I could possibly do and each day I ended up feeling like nothing is working. There were moments when I would question if healing work was right for me....
Personal boundaries make the difference between thriving and surviving
Personal Boundaries have a huge impact on all facets of your life. As an empath without strong personal boundaries, you might find yourself attracting narcissists as well as suffering from burnout and many stress related diseases. But it is possible to change this...
Is setting boundaries important as a highly sensitive entrepreneur?
Setting boundaries can offer many challenges to the highly sensitive, empathic entrepreneur. Having experienced our own traumas as children and perhaps also later in life, we are extremely worried about hurting others. Due to this fear we often find ways to sacrifice...
Protect your Boundaries in Business and Life for Sensitive Entrepreneurs
Protecting your boundaries is a powerful concept that we aren’t taught. When you become an entrepreneur there will be many instances that push your boundaries giving you opportunity to learn what works for you and what doesn’t. It's important to learn how to protect...
Are there benefits of crying?
Can you imagine that there are benefits of crying that play out in your business? I know it might feel hard to wrap your brain around it, but it’s true. A client recently joked with me that I should change my tagline to, “I help people CRY for a living”. It made me...
How to let go of energetic ties for coaches and healers
How to let go and separate your energy is something that I believe would serve us best if taught to all space holders regardless of whether the work involves physical touching or energetic healing. In most cases however this is not talked about and it is why we have...
Emotional Freedom Technique for Business Success
If you’ve been an entrepreneur for longer than a hot minute, you know how much your daily mindset affects the success of your business. The days when things feel good are amazing, but sadly they aren’t all like that. Sometimes we end up with a client we don’t like or...
Grounding Techniques for Energy Workers
Grounding techniques are an important aspect of working with energy. It’s something we often forget as we move into the higher spiritual realms. Regardless of how spiritual you are, if you are reading this you have a body. We came here to have this earthly...
Goal Setting for Empaths and Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs
Perhaps you set some big goals at the start of the year. You did some planning for how you wanted your business to go. Then as the month progressed you started to lose focus. When you take a moment to look back through your history, this seems like a pattern that has...
Business Strategy for Sensitive and Empathic Entrepreneurs
A quick internet search on business strategy indicates that there are three main strategies to building a successful business. These include a cost strategy, a differentiated product/service strategy and a focus or niched strategy. As someone who has chosen to be in...
Healthy habits for empath entrepreneurs
Healthy habits keep your mind, body and soul ready for success. One of the things I continually see with my empath and highly sensitive clients is that they often spend most of their time in their minds. These amazing people I work with have incredible logical,...
Five Steps to a fabulous Morning Routine for Empath and HSP’s
Do you have a powerful morning routine that helps set you up for success? For most of my life I hopped out of bed and hit the pace of 100 miles an hour within the first few minutes…..things need to be done….get moving…rush….run….go……. When I took the time to start...
How to take charge of your sensitivities and prevent empathy overload (so you can serve more clients)
Have you ever wondered how you can make your sensitive nature more a superpower and prevent yourself from becoming lost in empathy overload? For the longest time I found myself in a constant battle with my sensitivities. Wondering what was wrong with me, why can’t I...
How to release trapped emotions (so you can free your energy to grow your business)
Do you have a vault of trapped emotions that need to be released? We live in a world where the primary objective has been to keep our discomfort to ourselves. When you think about the whole concept of TMI and how when someone asks how we are doing and we say anything...
Empaths in Business: How to thrive as a sensitive entrepreneur without overwhelm and burnout
Are you a sensitive entrepreneur? All of the sensitive entrepreneurs I’ve met over the years started their journeys following the rules. They went to school, got good grades, proceeded to get a good job and settled in for the long haul. These women were the good...
Ready to create a successful healing business?
What does it take to create a successful healing business? Most of us who come to healing work have been through some trauma. It’s part of what calls us to be healers. We found a modality or a way to help with our own suffering and we feel called to share. This is...
Empath entrepreneur boundaries DIY project
DIY boundaries as an empath entrepreneur When it comes to creating strong boundaries in your business there are many concrete pieces that you can do yourself. For me, as an empath entrepreneur with a business that is only a few years old it has been important to do...
3 common empath entrepreneur FEARS (and WHAT to do about them)
Starting a business is scary for anyone. But empath entrepreneur fears are heightened by a sensitive nervous system which can create additional challenges. Left unaddressed, you may feel stuck, overwhelmed, or burnt out. It doesn’t have to be that way. I’ll share...
Empath entrepreneur boundaries matter. Here’s why.
Have you ever worried that you would be swept away by your clients’ emotions and drained of all your energy? It's common for empaths to experience challenges with limited energetic resources and becoming easily overwhelmed. That’s exactly why empath entrepreneur...
Empaths and HSPs in business: Understanding Nervous System Dysregulation
What does it mean to have a dysregulated nervous system? And what can you do about it so you start feeling better? If you’re an empath or highly sensitive person (HSP) trying to grow a successful business, learning how to heal and regulate your nervous system will...
Can you hear your intuition calling?
Intuitive Empath As an empath, I've always had a high degree of intuition. I have a sense of awareness from my body and a knowing of when things are good for me and when they are not. This was a huge deal during my younger years where there was much more high...
Yoga for Better Boundaries
How can yoga help you create better boundaries? From a young age I've been a lover of yoga. I remember being pre-teen and getting a yoga book out of the library. I've always been drawn to the spiritual side of things. At that time in the world, yoga sure wasn't...
Empath Entrepreneurs – get CLEAR on why your boundaries are blurry
Empath entrepreneurs who over deliver As empaths we come into this world with such open hearts. I believe that we have chosen to make this journey earth side and through that we have a big mission of shifting the energy on this planet from the place where...
10 Reasons You Need to Embrace No
10 reasons to Embrace No Karen had just turned thirty when she became engaged. At the same time, she was planning her wedding, she also took on two key projects at work and began volunteering at a new organization that started in her area as well as helping her sister...
21 things you may not know about the Indian Act: Book Review
MY THOUGHTS... Over the past few months there has been much awakening about the stories and problems that can be found in American history and ongoing in terms of black lives. As a Canadian woman, I know we have many issues with racism here as well and I feel...
Take Back Your Time: How to Evaluate Your Commitments & Say No
Once you realize you’ve spent too much time saying yes to the wrong things, it’s normal to feel trapped. You feel as if you can’t back out now. You might worry that everyone will think you’re a quitter or that you’ll let the people around you down. You might also be...
Why We Struggle to Say No
Why We Struggle to Say No You’re at a point where you recognize you need to say no more often. You know that people pleasing is not working out. You've realized that even though you can transmute energy for others as an empath, it is draining you. Maybe you’re...
No can be a beautiful word
No can be a beautiful word Ella realized she was overloading her schedule the night she missed her daughter’s first dance recital. As the daughter of parents who never supported her, Ella had promised herself she’d always make being there for her kids her top...
Resentment is a sign
Resentment Last weeks blog post was on why it is so hard to say no. (click here if you want to read that) When we struggle to say the word no, it can often leave us feeling resentful. The oxford dictionary describes the word resentful as "feeling or expressing...
Why is it hard to say no?
Why it's hard to say no As children, we are taught early on that "no" is not a nice word. When we learn this word "no" as a child, it is our first taste of freedom. It is our first taste of the option to work for our will rather than the will of our caregivers. As a...
Strategies for coping with energy vampires
Strategies for coping with energy vampires What are the various strategies that can help you cope with energy vampires? The past two weeks I have shared information about what an energy vampire is and how to recognize when we are around one. This week I will be...
How to Recognize Energetic Vampires
How to Recognize Energetic Vampires The other day I was participating on a large group call. I got off the call and went about my business but I noticed that I was feeling quite agitated and annoyed. I sat with this a bit and was reminded that I had a similar...
What is an energy vampire?
What is an energy vampire? Depending on where you are in terms of your empathic journey you may or may not be familiar with this phrase. Today I'm going to share some insight into this concept as well as give you some idea on how to cope if you notice you have one or...
The Revolution will be Bloody: Book Review
The Revolution will be Bloody How does that make you feel? What thoughts or imagery does this title conjure up for you? As a woman who has been bleeding for well over three decades, I can't begin to tell you how excited I was when I discovered Stasha's work. In...
The most important yoga pose for empaths in business
Are you an empath entrepreneur who loves yoga? Curious what the best yoga pose might be for empaths? Being an empath entrepreneur can come with many challenges. For this reason, I'm a really big fan of yoga. It helps me find peace and centering in this crazy...
Five signs your nervous system needs boundaries for empaths and HSP’s in Business
5 signs your nervous system needs boundaries Does your system feel like it's on high alert? For so many of us stress has become a constant in our lives. As entrepreneurs there are so many hats to wear. From sales and marketing, operations, technical pieces, to...
Anger and you as an empath entrepreneur
Did you know there are various ways to express anger? For many empaths, the very word is enough to send us off into our fight or flight response. That was certainly the case for myself. Sitting alone in meditation in Ecuador I realized how much my own anger was...
Grounding Techniques for Empaths in Business
As an empath, do you feel like you catch other people’s emotions the way some folks catch colds? This is amplified when you are a self-employed lightworker, energy worker, coach, or therapist. Grounding techniques for empaths will help you manage this emotional and...
Emotional Resilience and why you need it as an empath in business
What does emotional resilience mean for you? Being an empath or HSP in business is filled with a diverse set of challenges. The messages I received growing were clear that business and personal should be separate. In the entrepreneurial world these days the lines...
What does working with an EFT coach actually look like?
EFT Tapping Coach for Empaths and Sensitives in Business One of things I've noticed with my clients is that as empaths, we carry a lot of pain. The world can be this crazy, painful place. We experience trauma and with our sensitive nature this winds up stuck in our...
3 Books to Help You Heal Your Body
When it comes to healing your body from trauma it can be hard thing to think about. Most of us would rather pretend it isn't an issue. But if you are stepping onto an entrepreneurial pathway you will need to tackle some of the issues that are stuck in your body....
Learning to Love Your Body Again after Trauma
Love Your Body Tina was lying in bed with her husband one night when he told her he loved the way she felt in his arms as he held her. The comment troubled Tina because she couldn’t remember the last time she felt her husband’s touch. After that, Tina noticed that...
Why EFT Is So Powerful for Trauma Survivors
EFT for Trauma Willow was involved in a school bus accident when she was in middle school. Although she survived, some of her classmates didn’t. In the years that followed, Willow continued to have flashbacks, nightmares, and difficulty concentrating. She received...
You Carry Your Trauma with You
When Marcy was a kid, her father was an alcoholic. Sometimes, he’d get physically violent with her mother and she saw her father beat her brother a few times when he tried to intervene in the conflicts. Marcy coped with the dysfunction by trying to be the “good girl”....
How Trauma Affects Your Physical Body
Trauma affects your physical body and can often remain stuck there without our awareness. Regan was bullied in middle school because she walked with a limp. For years, she endured the jeers and cruelty of her classmates. As she got older, she thought she’d left behind...
4 Books You Should Read for a Confidence Breakthrough
All of us have moments where we need that confidence breakthrough. Reading is a simple way to improve your confidence When you see life through the author’s eyes, you learn more about yourself and your unique place in the world around you. If you’re looking to boost...
What’s Undermining Your Confidence?
Undermining your confidence Elle was a graphic designer working for a large agency. She enjoyed the work, but she wanted a more flexible schedule. She wanted to strike out on her own and launch a graphic design business, but she was terrified of taking the leap. When...
How to overcome setbacks and obstacles
Sue had been overweight for years. When she was diagnosed with asthma and a thyroid disease, she started getting the treatment she needed. She realized that it was time she started taking care of herself and began to get back into shape. Now, she was able to...
When you’re thrown off course by too much emotion
Do you easily get thrown off course by emotional or sensory overload? Have you been feeling like this emotional dysregulation is affecting your business? Whether it’s after an unexpected event or it’s a repeating pattern in your life, empath entrepreneurs CAN make...
Are you ready to overcome fear?
Taking a risk sounds fun and exciting. You’re jazzed up to go do something but you’re not sure what. When it comes to risk-taking, try to look at what you are afraid of and consider how you can overcome fear. Here are a few ideas to get you thinking… Betty Feared...
What’s Holding You Back from Taking Risks?
Patricia had enjoyed her job as a corporate accountant for years. But she’d always longed to be a photographer. She’d spent years taking classes from the local college and she even picked up a few freelancing gigs. Now, she was playing with the idea of starting a...
5 Smart Self-Esteem Builders
It’s easy to talk about rebuilding your self-esteem. But it’s hard to know where to start. There are so many suggestions and ideas out there already. What’s the first thing you should do? How about trying one of these exercises… Argue with Your Inner Critic The mean...
Reclaiming Self-Esteem After Trauma and Loss
Trauma and loss can have a profound effect on your self-esteem. Trauma can transform even the most vibrant, out-going person into a shell of her former self. Many people are hesitant to label their experiences as traumatic because it’s not as bad as other people’s...
What Does Healthy Self-Esteem Look Like?
Dealing with low self-esteem can feel challenging. There are many people who have learned to change how they view themselves. It takes time and effort, but it is 100% possible for you to develop healthy self-esteem. Here are three women who did just that… Jane Learned...
Why Do You Struggle with Low Self-Esteem?
Low self-esteem can occur at any time or age even if you’ve had a relatively good life. However, there are some circumstances that make you more likely to develop low self-esteem. Here are a few of the most common causes… As an entrepreneur this can keep us from...
Defining Low Self-Esteem
Self-esteem is the way you view yourself. People with a healthy self-esteem can see both their flaws and their good qualities. They know they are not perfect but they’re also aware of all the good things they bring into the world simply by being themselves. But low...
Healing from Shame: Resources to Guide You
Healing from shame isn’t something you can do overnight. It’s a process that can take months or even years. The good news is that you don’t have to take the journey alone. Many professionals have written insightful guides that can guide you on this journey. Here are a...
Letting Go of Shame-Filled Thoughts
When you’re living with shame, it can be easy to let it dominate your thoughts. You may find yourself thinking unkind thoughts about yourself or others. When things go wrong, you might say, “Of course this happened. I don’t deserve good things.” Or “Why would anyone...
Getting Real: Sharing Your Shame with Others
When most people experience shame, they want to hide. It’s normal to want to isolate yourself when you’re feeling shame. But although the feeling is common, that doesn’t mean it’s the best choice. A better option is to let out your shame. To find a safe space where...
How Is Your Shame Affecting Your Life?
Shame can influence your life in a big way. That’s because shame brings with it the idea that you’re unworthy. This false belief can lead you to hide out from yourself and others. As an entrepreneur, it can be debilitating and make you think you aren't cut out for...
Understanding Shame and Why You Feel It
Understanding Shame Jane had been dating Brad for months. She’d been to his apartment, had met most of his friends, and even went to brunch with his parents. She loved how open Brad was and how he willingly shared his life with her. But as time went on, Brad found it...
Reclaim Your Power: Healing from a Toxic Relationship
Toxic relationships come in many forms – a client that verbally abused you, a friend that always puts you down, or a significant other that habitually ignores your boundaries. These relationships, even if you recognize that they aren’t healthy, are difficult to let go...
How to Handle Toxic People in Your Life & Business
Toxic people (aka bullies) can be found in any area of your life and business. But just because you’re collaborating with that toxic business partner or living with your toxic spouse doesn’t mean you have to accept their toxicity. You can learn how to handle these...
Save Your Sanity: Tactics Toxic Clients and Friends Use
Save Your Sanity: Tactics Toxic Clients and Friends Use You have the one friend or client that is toxic. You know this and you wonder why this person is still in your life. Why haven’t you ended the relationship? The reason isn’t because you’re weak or that you’re a...